March Weather in Marbella

A summary of what to expect with the weather if you are in Marbella during the month of March

We all know the saying, Mad As A March Hare, well that pretty much sums up Marbella in March.
March in Marbella can be a most pleasant month with an average daytime temperature of 18 degrees, dropping to 9 degrees in the night time.

March is also the time when the Chiringuito owners rise from their winter slumber and head down to the beaches and start to clear away any debris from the winter storms in preparation for the season ahead, with some of the more popular beach restaurants like La Red in the centre of Marbella already gently grilling Sardines over olive wood with the lovely smell of fish smoke wafting down the Paseo Maritimo.

So all in all weather wise, March in Marbella will give you occasional rain, sunny days and chilly nights, something for everybody but significantly more pleasant than Northern Europe!

What to pack - Essentials / What to wear
This time of year can be a little unpredictable, so a coat should definitely be written at the top of your packing list and one pair of comfortable shoes at least is essential for those days of exploring.

Some good places to visit
You could head to Parque Nagüeles which is only a 10 to 15 min drive from Marbella for the day and enjoy a nice outdoor barbeque with friends and family, they have seating areas along the park and little huts where you can bring your food and cook it on the barbeques provided. The perfect picnic day out.

Best places to find the locals
You'll probably find The Claddagh is a hit with the locals and their events calendar is worth a look at for Live music and Pool tournaments as well as other entertaining events.

Right bang in the middle of Marbella, Franks Corner is usually busy with locals, they have pool tables inside and shishas, which attracts a relaxed atmosphere.

With a monthly average of 6 hours of sunshine in March, heading down to the beach for some Puntillitas (fried baby squid) or some fantastic Paella is a must, do bring your coat mind for when the sun dips down.

What not to miss
Easter falls either late March or April, you can guarantee a drop of rain. It's Gods little bit of fun for this time of year, as the wonderful Easter processions wind through the narrow streets of the Old Town, so if you are coming to Marbella to watch the parades, a coat and umbrella will be required.

What you should be drinking
  • Gin & Tonic
  • Kalimotxo (Unique Spanish drink made from red wine and Coca-Cola)
  • Clara de Limon (Shandy)