June Weather in Marbella
A summary of what to expect with the weather if you are in Marbella during the month of June
The weather in June in Marbella is very much increasing in temperature and a sure sign that summer is here to stay. The evenings are balmy and warm so air conditioning is generally going to be on day and night if you are indoors. The average high is 26 degrees with the lows being 16 degrees.
Some good places to visit
In June the beach clubs of Marbella will be in full swing and the pools will all be getting comfortable to swim in (unless you're a seasoned Marbella expat and then it will be another few weeks before you comfortably take a dip!!). The Old town of Marbella is also perfect for balmy evenings with all the restaurants putting their terrace tables out making for an ideal night of strolling the streets, shopping and devouring some delicious tapas with a chilled beer or two!
What to pack - Essentials / What to wear
You will need your summer wardrobe for a visit in June however it's a good idea to have a light jacket, cardigan, shawl idea as sometimes it can be windy by the sea so if you are dining beachside in the evening you may need something to keep you warm as the sun goes down.
Best places to find the locals
Locals will definitely be enjoying our beaches and chiringuitos at this time of year but we may also escape to some of the great lakes and rivers inland to cool off away from the crowds. The river walk in Benahavís is fabulous at this time of year with rock pools and small waterfalls to chill out in.
What not to miss
Opening parties! Nikki Beach often have their opening party in June and so do Sala by the Sea! Check our events calendar for all the best parties in town to attend.
What you should be drinking
- Cosmopolitans
- A good Spanish Blush Rosé such as Ramon Bilbao or if you have to go for a Cotes de Provence like Minuty
- Cold Coffee or cafe con lecho con hielo