January Weather in Marbella

What to expect with the weather in January in Marbella and the surrounding area

The month of January in Marbella is probably the coldest but even then, Marbella has the best winter climate in Europe, reaching high temperatures of 15° and low temperatures of 6° in the evenings, Marbella still has a good 6 hours of sunshine a day.

If you don't mind the occasional showers then January can be a good month to explore the nearby countryside.

What to pack - Essentials / What to wear
You will need a nice cosy coat, especially in the evenings and don't forget to pack your moisturiser which is essential for any occasion. Maybe some hairbands might come in handy for those breezy days.​

Some good places to visit
You can find Sierra Nevada at a couple of hours drive, the ideal family getaway skiing resort and a great bonding experience. There are also hotels nearby, where you can stay the night if you decide you are having too much fun!

Visiting the Ralli Museum is also a good option and one you can also do with the family.

Best places to find the locals
Go for a brisk walk on the paseo and then head over to the Beacon for a hearty Sunday Roast, a little warmth goes a long way.

What not to miss
Three Kings falls on the 6th of January and you can enjoy watching the fantastic parade on the 5th, where they block off the streets and commemorate the arrival of the three kings. This family gathering is celebrated across the country with the Three Kings travelling across the city in chariots throwing sweets at the crowds.
On the 6th of January, people will eat ''El Roscón de Reyes'' which is a traditional Spanish sweet bread that holds a surprise inside (usually Jesus or other figures in its dough).

What you should be drinking
  • Bloody Mary
  • Expresso Martini
  • Hot Chocolate