August Weather in Marbella
A summary of what to expect with the weather if you are in Marbella during the month of August
August in Marbella is often our hottest month of the year with temperatures soaring and also when many Spanish nationals also choose to visit the Costa del Sol for some holiday time so it is also our busiest month of the year. We have had some heatwaves during August in recent years so coming prepared for high temperatures is a must. Daytime highs are approximately 32 degrees, but are known to reach the 40s, with lows at 25 degrees.
Some good places to visit
In August you will find that everywhere on the coast is incredibly busy so this means making advance reservations is essential and also be prepared for some venues and activities to be fully booked some time ahead. Getting up early to stroll along the Marbella paseo before it gets too busy with tourists is a great way to start the day, taking breakfast at one of the many beachside cafés. Also, be sure to check our events calendar to see the line up of concerts at the Starlite Festival as this open-air venue is spectacular and makes for a fabulous evening with some big-name acts often appearing.
What to pack - Essentials / What to wear
Bikinis, flip flops, a variety of hats to give you some shade from the hot sun, some glam party wear for some late-night dancing at one of our big Nightclubs like La Suite and mosquito repellant because those pesky critters are out in force at this time of year!
Best places to find the locals
Locals will often travel themselves at this time of year to avoid the crowds of tourists that flock to our beaches and fill our favourite restaurants! Those of us that choose to stay and holiday on the coast this month will probably be found not too far from their closest beach bar, for me this is Bilbo Beach and Bono Beach, or we will be chilling in the pool at home during the day and then after 10pm we will head out for dinner and drinks. No-one local really eats before 10pm in the evening so it's really not strange at all to find yourself booking a table for dinner at 11pm in August in Marbella!
What not to miss
If the seas are calm take a boat out for the day and enjoy a day at sea or at least venture on the ferry from Marbella to Puerto Banus for a cheeky cruise!
What you should be drinking
- Ultra cold beer in Iced glasses
- Jugs of Mojitos
- Fresh Lemonade with local lemons