Ginza Japanese Teppanyaki
Ginza Japanese Teppanyaki
Teppanyaki is a style of Japanese cuisine that uses a steel plate to cook the food.Ginza Japanese restaurant has beautiful surroundings with two large Teppanyaki island tables. The experienced chefs at Ginza show off their excellent skills as they prepare and cook your food in front of you, whilst juggling with the knives, oils and pepper pots. It is a must see when visiting the area, more of an entertainment show, dimming the lights when they set the table alight, boosted by amazing food
They have an extensive including an array of various Sushi and Sashimi with sixty two different choices! The Teppanyaki offers an A la Carte option, or for the full experience, a choice of nine set menus are available, all with a minimum of seven courses in each one! There is a smaller four course menue option for children.
The authentic Japanese atmosphere and the beautifully dressed staff make this an evening to remember.