Vincci Estrella del Mar Beach Club


Kansainvälinen Ranta Rantaklubit Tapahtumat ja juhlat Vesiharrastukset Polttarisankarit Hääpaikat

The Beach Club at the Hotel Vincci Estrella del Mar is open all year round and can be enjoyed by both guests of the hotel or by private members that take up membership for the year or just for the day! This stunning beach club located on one of the best beaches in Marbella has many different facilities so guests can spend the whole day relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere. As well as the gorgeous infinity pool which directly overlooks the Mediterranean, they also have an indoor pool, gymnasium, spa and wellness centre, watersports activities, restaurant, bar and lounge.

Once at the beach club there isn't a reason to leave, it's a great switch off for the day or just a good spot for some lunch or dinner with a view...the friendly, attentive staff cater for your every need and you can choose from exerting yourself in the gym or reclining on a bali bed sipping cocktails by the pool. It's definitely not a mad party venue, much more of a chill out beach club for when you need some peace and calm to truly relax.

If you're feeling peckish then the restaurant offers food both day and night with sumptuous delights created by head chef Sergio Garrido and his team. The lunchtime menu boasts healthy, fresh dishes including salads, fish, meats, snacks and dishes to share if you want to sample a few.

The evening menu consists of creative starters including Malagan king prawns with garlic sauce and french fried potatoes; and mushroom ravioli with truffle and grana padano cream, as well as seasonal options while the main dishes tempt the tastebuds at the first glance and include red tuna on wok-vegetables, caviar of flying fish and sesame; and Malagan goat shoulder with peach in flaky pastry and goat's cheese, (the winning dish at the 'Marbella Crea Cocina 2010').

Guests can also enjoy a drink in the bar and lounge with a light snack if they prefer while enjoying one of the best views on the coast.

The Beach Club are also available for all types of events and celebrations and the venue is a wonderful location for a wedding.

Please click here for membership prices.

Ota yhteyttä

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Crta. 340, km 190,7, Urbanización Estrella del Mar,, Elviria, 29604

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  • Moderately Priced

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  • A Bit of Romance
  • A View To Die For
  • Relaxation

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